Thursday, April 18, 2013

Giant Lego Vader

A friend of mine had asked me to print him a Giant Lego Darth Vader he'd seen on Thingiverse -- and I said I'd be happy to.

After buying some cheap black PLA from an EBay supplier and failing to get the thing to stick to the bed or even itself, we ended up ordering a lot of Ultimachine Black PLA (which we use for a lot of things now) and it prints really well.

I finally got around to finishing the print and figured I'd share just before I dropped it in the mail.

These are all the parts laid out on the desk - they're all printed in black, except for the light saber blade which is done in a translucent red.

This is a close up of the body - you can see the layer height is pretty uniform and the body detail looks great, even close up.

His legs were also printed at a 0.25 layer height - I'm pretty happy with the results.

Finally the light-saber handle - this is printed vertically with a built-in support.  Kisslicer seems to generate some broken paths when slicing this file (around the base) so I printed it with a grid to get it to stick better to the bed.  When the print is finished the grid and the extra support are cut away leaving a hole for the blade to be inserted.  I think this was printed at 0.2mm layer height.

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